PPR 13 Challenge 1 House of Cornish

This week the designers had to pick their fabrics from a mystery selection in a trunk on their work table.  It just so happens that my friend had sent me a big box of fabric for the new season (and my new job) So I picked from box.

We were told to make a “Spring Look” that could go in our final collection.


My dress has a jersey top half to set off the fabric and the neckline. Without the top, it just read like high end resort-wear, and I wanted more formality.
The hemline is  asymmetric, and hopefully, a little bit of a surprise.

The bodice has some pleating and detail work (in my quest to really show the judges some nice fabric manipulation skills.)

The wrapping continues around to the back.

From the new Aldo wall, I would pair it with a simple cuff, and these cool metallic sandals.


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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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