Iron Craft 14 Challenge 10 Round Up

This week the Challenge was inspired by the letter “B”. So many clever crafters brought their best work forward!

bow dress refashion
Lauren refashioned a bow dress.

NY Star Cards made a Blue Butterfly Book.

Creatief made blocks for a baby blanket.

Iron Craft #10: B is For Blossom!
Tawny B crocheted Bubbles, Buttercup and, for this challenge, Blossom!

Line made this fish bowl.

Sarina made Scrabble blocks
Scrabble blocks !!!

Lanikai made a Black Beret
Iron Craft B for Black Beret. My very first cable project!!

I made a bouquet.

Kat gave us beach inspired knitting.
Iron Craft '14 Challenge #10 - Knit Beach Finds
She even gave us the pattern for this clever Octopus!

Thank you for all of your submissions! Great work!

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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