Olympic Knits

I was out of town this weekend, but finally got to watch the Opening Ceremonies last night. I love seeing all the teams come in and checking out their outfits. With the Winter Olympics, it is a sea of inspirational knits! Here are a few of my favorites.
Here is Andorra’s sweater. Doesn’t that just scream winter sports to you?
Slovakia used a great heart and spiral pattern on hats, mittens, scarves, vests and sweaters.

My favorite though, has to be the host country Russia. Look at those sweaters and hats! The design on these is so elaborate. Just gorgeous!

Finally, it’s not just great knits in the uniform, the Finnish slopestyle coach was knitting at the top of the hill before his athlete’s run!
He says he is knitting a scarf for the Finnish team to take to the Rio Summer Olympics.

Do you have a favorite look from the Olympics so far?


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