Losing One Of Our Own

I am just absorbing the news of the unexpected death of fellow food blogger, Iron Crafter and friend, Elle of Elle’s Kitchen.
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Elle died suddenly of a pulmonary embolism on Tuesday morning. She leaves behind her husband Bill and four school-age children.

I have known her online since she started food blogging in 2008. She was always one of the nicest bloggers, and people, out there. Then came Twitter and Facebook, where we would find ourselves chatting almost everyday. Elle always had something to share that would bring a smile to my face or make me laugh out loud. She loved baby pandas, Supernatural, the Foo Fighters, funny animal videos and the Patriots. She couldn’t wait for Halloween each year to change her blog into Helle’s Kitchen. She was always one of my biggest cheerleaders, supporting all my endeavors from cooking to Project Project Runway. When I designed a pair of corgi mittens for her, you would have thought I had painted the Sistine Chapel, her enthusiasm was so great. I was thrilled when she decided to join us for Iron Craft last year and so happy to watch as it turned into an online jewelry making business for her.

Her loss remind us of how quickly someone can be taken away and to appreciate them while they are in your life. It shows me personally how important even online friendships can be. You see, I only knew Elle online. Our friendship was crafted online and grew from all of our contact, communication, support, notes and comments. And although our friendship was not in-person, it was still entirely real. The food blog and this blog are a very real community. All of you who comment and chat here on Just Crafty Enough, our Facebook page and in our Flickr group are special to us and having you in our days means so much.

The internet world shrunk today. Our hearts and thoughts go out to Elle’s family.

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