1 – Lori’s Mittens

No excuses on why this blog has been so ignored but one of my resolutions for 2010 is to bring it back to life. My plan for doing this is I have started Handmade 365. Everyday I will take a picture of something I am working on or something that inspires me to a new project. I would really like to push myself to spend a little time each day making things. If you would like to join me I have started a Handmade 365 Flickr group.
1 - Lori's Mittens
Temps are currently hovering way below 0 here in Minneapolis so its a perfect time for knitting mittens. I’m making this pair for my friend Lori. She loves pink & I thought this Rose Mist color from Vanna’s Choice was so pretty. I wanted an easily washable yarn since mittens tend to get dirty, especially those in light colors.

The colorwork pattern is from the Tapestry Mittens in the Holiday Gifts issue of Interweave Knits. The design on the mitten is my own. I’ve almost finished the right mitten but realized its too short & I need to rip back. This is the left mitten & just about 1/2 done. Hope to get a lot done while watching Harry Potter tomorrow night.

Handmade 365 2010- My goal is to spend time everyday working on something handmade for a year & photograph it.
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at http://justcraftyenough.com then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.
© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
15 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
7 Comments to 1 – Lori’s Mittens
    • toontz
    • So nice, Kat. Your new group sounds like a great idea! Can it be anything handmade? I was thinking the same thing myself yesterday. Do a little bit everyday…maybe I would finish something!

    • Tina
    • Great to see you back. Great mittens. The yarn I love best for mittens in colour work (as for hats) is sock yarn. Washable, not felting, great colours. Your project sounds interesting but too much for me. But I will be happy to watch what you make! Have a great 2010!

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