Mino Washi Paper Snowflakes

My sweet husband was out shopping the other day and stumbled across some Christmas decorations he couldn’t help but bring home to me. I’d never seen them before and they were so pretty I had to share them with all of you.
Mino Washi Paper Snowflakes
They are called Mino Washi Paper Snowflakes and believe it or not these delicate paper designs are reusable window decals. Crazy, huh. You just spray a little water on your window and then place the snowflake on the water. Pat up the excess water and the snowflake dries to the window. At the end of the season they peel off to use again.
Mino Washi Paper Snowflakes Mino Washi Paper Snowflakes
I did a little research and found this article about the history of the paper and how it is made. Apparently, mino paper was first mentioned in the 14th century and known for it’s durability. So, even though they look quite delicate, these snowflakes stand up well to getting wet and being patted dry.

Matt got a couple of sets for me at the American Swedish Institute (they have snowflakes and nordic themed borders), but if you Google them you can find them for sale in many different places.

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