Life (Outside) the Loop

We spent this whole past week outside the Loop, enjoying a mountain Thanksgiving in Breckenridge, CO with Jenny and her family.
Just the grown-ups went out on Monday night to Breckenridge Brewery. Matt and I like to visit local breweries as much as we can when vacationing. The food and beer were really good. We especially liked Uncle John’s Chili Autumn Ale infused with green chiles. Though we drank a lot of their Avalanche and Lucky U at The Maggie on the slopes.
Tuesday, Matt and I hiked through Boreas Pass. It’s a road in the summer, but closed November through May. Cold winds and gorgeous views.
We celebrated Thanksgiving a day early. Since we were leaving on Friday, we wanted an extra day to enjoy the leftovers. Matt did a good job on our lil’ bird (and check out his sunburn!).
Thanksgiving day was a stunner! Jenny and I sat on the porch at The Maggie knitting and getting sunburns while the guys skied.
Friday, we spent in Denver. Finding a German Christkindlmarket open on the 16th Street Mall was a fun way to spend the afternoon.
Saturday, it was time to say goodbye to our fun Denver hotel, The Curtis, and head home.

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