Iron Craft ’14 – Are You Crafty Enough?!

On January 1st, we’ll be starting the fourth year of Iron Craft challenges.

What is Iron Craft? Well, every other Wednesday we present you with a craft challenge. The challenge may be a theme, a color or a particular craft supply. We try to make the challenges broad enough to encompass lots of different skill levels and crafting techniques. (For example, we are never going to have knitting as a challenge as not everyone knits.) You then have 13 days to craft a project for that theme. On the Tuesday reveal day, everyone shares their projects in our Flickr group.

Why Iron Craft? The Iron Craft challenges are a great way to jumpstart your creativity throughout the year. Working under a deadline helps to actually finish projects. The Iron Crafters have been an inspirational, supportive online crafting community.
Here are the basic guidelines for Iron Craft.

  • Challenges are announced every other Wednesday on Just Crafty Enough and in our Flickr group.
  • You have thirteen days to create a project within the challenge parameters. We invite you to think creatively with each theme, but projects should have a tie to the theme.
  • Projects need to be made within the challenge period. No using old or already started projects. (Unless of course, that is part of the challenge.)
  • Reveal day is the Tuesday two weeks after the challenge is announced. In progress pictures are always welcome in the Flickr group, but finished projects should be saved for the reveal. You may post them as soon as it is Tuesday in your timezone.
  • If you are blogging about your project leave a link to the the specific blog post in the description of your picture.
  • We encourage commenting and conversion on each others projects, really that makes it so much more fun. We will not tolerate any kind of nasty comments though, this group is about supporting each other’s efforts.
  • We will do a wrap up of projects on the site on Wednesday evenings with links to blog posts that have been provided. If there are enough projects we will do multiple wrap ups.
  • You are not required to do every challenge. We realize people have lives that get in the way of their crafting sometimes.

Want to join in the fun? Drop us an email through the form on the right sidebar. If you will be blogging about Iron Craft make sure to leave us your blog’s URL for our blogroll. Then just join the Flickr group and stay tuned for the first challenge on January 1st.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
11 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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