Life in the Loop

The boot isn’t keep me too tied down, lots to go out and about and do around Minneapolis this week.
We had to vote in a new mayor in Minneapolis for the first time since 2002.
Went to bed in a snowstorm and woke up to the first snow of the season on the ground. It didn’t last long, but it excited me with the promise of winter to come.
Even though we live in a very urban environment there are flowers everywhere. Every shop, restaurant, apartment or condo building has beautiful pots on the sidewalk. Even the attendant’s booth at the parking lot across from us is surrounded by flowers.
We’ve had some gorgeous sunsets lately turing all the windows and glass in the city pink.
A knitting buddy and fellow Iron Crafter had a photo picked to be shown in this show, Work/Play, at the Minneapolis Photo Center.
Spending Friday night at the J.D. Hoyt’s Supper Club to celebrate Lori’s birthday. A great old school (1952) Minneapolis steak and seafood spot.
Shopping at Northern Grade at the Grain Belt Bottling House. A great collection of Minnesota companies like Fairbault Woolen Mills and Duluth Pak together for one day. Still dreaming of that $1,100 leather weekender bag. Lots of fun and Matt even got a shot of Rye free with purchase of a t-shirt.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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