The GAME room!

We moved!
We are now in our  yellow, 1950’s ranch-style house (with a funky upstairs addition. Does a two story still count as a ranch? You get the idea).

And, drum roll please, there is a a huge room off the garage with a pool table in it! And a player piano!

Look at that SPACE. (The pool table and player piano are now gone. Sadly. )

Now, let’s take long look and a deep breath. Check out that floor. It is, in fact, carpet. At one time it was a lemon-lime color. It probably matched the lemon-lime wall seen here. Delicious. Now, that carpet could be carbon dated. I peeked carefully under it and there is a poured cement floor!!!!

What to do with the floor in this AMAZING space?


(This image came from Pinterest.) Stenciled floor. I love how the pattern here fades in and out again. It is not crisp and perfect.


Or this beautiful stained floor. It looks like water. (Photo from Pinterest)

Have you ever hit the concrete floor design challenge in your house? How would you tackle this?

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


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