Project Project Runway Challenge 13 – The Finale

Challenge – The Finale
We are off to fashion week! You have a couple different choices this week. You can create a final collection of 3 – 10 pieces or you can create one show stopping look for spring. The designers had to do one unconventional materials look, we’ll let you decide if you want to do that or not. (We are just skipping the whole Tide washable fashion thing, yawn.) We are timing this so our finale collections will post on the same day at this season’s finale.
Budget – $900

Time Limit – 6 days

Accessories – Choose your other accessories from the Belk accessory wall.

Runway Day – Runway day is Thursday, October 17th.
Just a reminder only in-progress photos should be posted to the Flickr group before Runway Day. Save the big reveal for next Thursday. Please tag your photos with PPR13 and ProjectProjectRunway.

Just a few notes from last nights episode, if you haven’t seen it yet there are spoilers ahead.
First off it is hard to take the whole someone won’t get to show at fashion week seriously, because we all know they all did plus 4 other designers. Ok, they don’t get shown on tv and they can’t win the prize, but they do get to show their stuff.

Well, it seemed obvious that Justin was going to fashion week once they walked those pieces down the runway. I have to say I thought the 3D printed pieces were interesting and his unconventional look was stunning (at least on tv, though it sounded like it was in person too).

What I found interesting was that Alexandria is a finalist too. As I watched the show and Heidi kept saying how much she loved it, (She loves a saggy pant, doesn’t she?) I kept saying I bet Heidi alone keep her in. I was right. I just don’t get her style as high-end runway, to me it is very arts and crafts fair. I do have to say I love her Camp Couture though.

And poor Helen, she finally acts confident and she loses. Seriously though, the way some of her looks were just puckered and wrinkled on the runway there was no way. We sat her talking about how both the red and blue dress models couldn’t raise their arms. And then Matt, my husband, insisted the red dress looked like a bad with holes cut in it for the head and arms, like she tried to make a last minute rain poncho. Also, maybe it was just on tv, but I thought her print looked like acid washed denim. She needs more time to mature.

Anyway, I have see all eight of the collections that were shown at fashion week when it actually happened. I don’t remember much though and am not going to go back and look again until the show airs. I’m thinking Dom has it but you never know.

(photos in this post are from

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