Quilt of the Day: Onwards

I found this “tree” quilt, and I am in love with it.
Casey, from Studiolo is sharing it with us. She did this for a Modern Quilt Guild challenge. And on her site, she includes the picture (from the national gallery) that inspired her design. Excellent!


Look at the fantastic, subtle perspective created by the quilting.
Onwards, detail

And what a BEAUTIFUL stone building backdrop!

Home run!

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12 years ago by in Needlecraft , Quilting | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Quilt of the Day: Onwards
    • Ros
    • That’s such a great idea. I find it odd that so many patchworkers aren’t interested in the actual quilting. This is a perfect combination of colour, pattern and quilted texture that enhances the design.

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