Let the Purge Begin

My work space has become ridiculous.

One of my New Year’s Crafty resolutions was to clean/clear it out.

Here is a before picture. This is a shot of me, looking for something. It is that bad. Really.

I have high hopes that at the end of the cleaning and organizing, that I will have a great functioning space.
And while I am working, let me show you some of the studio spaces of the MASTERS.

Here is Anna Maria Horner’s space.

Heather Baily works here

It is clear that I need to par down.

I’ll keep you posted.

What about you? What state is your craft space in, as we head into the new year?


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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
9 Comments to Let the Purge Begin
    • DrRuss
    • Come on Susi! Do you really think that people create in these spaces? They probably get the maid to come in once a week to clean up the place and then take these pictures. LOL. I only wish that my studio could look like this.

      I, too, am purging as part of a new resolution. I am getting rid of, or donating, supplies for crafts that I am no longer pursuing. It is a liberating feeling and some of the local schools and retirement homes have been very receptive of the supplies that I am giving away.

      Good luck with your resolution.

      • Susi
      • I don’t know how to get emoticans into the comments, but if I did, I would add a bit smiley face. Thank you Russ, for the slap of reality. For sure these shots were snapped at a staged photo shoot. And I do need to keep that in mind. The other point is that these people make their LIVING in these rooms. They are their offices, not their “hobby” spaces. And finally, I live in San Francisco. In the city even. And those lovely talented ladies all live in places where they have a little bigger houses.
        None the less. I need to get a system, and purge.
        Off I go!

    • Ros
    • I really, really want a hanging rail of embroidery threads like Anna Maria Horner’s. Obviously what I would end up with is a giant hanging knot of thread, but still.

    • Katherine
    • My craft area will probably never look that pretty, at least not in my current living arrangement, but most things have a space. Rather than purging, I’ve been trying to finish projects and use up items I’d saved for a specific purpose but hadn’t gotten around to doing yet. That includes fleece scraps, an old map, some colorful coffee bags, cardboard coffee sleeves, and who knows what else? That is at least helping me get rid of some of the randomness, although I have found a few things to just throw out too. I even found some cotton yarn for the first iron craft project, and finished that last night.

    • Seanna Lea
    • These spaces are beautiful. Mine are just a constant reminder that I, if left to my own devices, create in squalor. I just cannot seem to keep a space neat, so I am paring down too. My big purge will be next month.

    • Janet B
    • Cute little quarter bundles just waiting to be freed. They should come to my home where the fabric runs wild.

      My space is pretty (with coordinating curtains and ironing board) but the fabrics do tend to run wild and my threads are always getting tangled despite my best efforts.

    • Manisha
    • Good luck, Susi! I’m working on setting up a place to store my supplies. Unfortunately the space for that is our uninsulated porch, so I’m stashing things out there but my big craft area project can’t start until the Spring.

    • Abbie
    • Funny, I had become overwhelmed by my fabric hoarding, and coincidentally, we replaced the flooring in our main living area and the office/craft area. When I moved all my “junk” back in, I actually have 5 stuffed Walmart sacks of teeny fabric scraps I’d been saving that I finally bid goodbye to as well as several more large sacks of to-be-donated-to-the-thrift-store-and-if-they-trash-it-it’s-not-my-fault fabric. My supplies actually fit in my allotted cabinets again. Hooray!

    • CynD
    • I too OOOh and Aah over rooms that look picture ready. I do not live this way. Hahaha not even close. However I am working on moving toward a more workable, with good flow and accessability to my play space. This space is also my computer area and the first think you see when comming down stairs to the Family room and Mr. Smiths office/hobby space. It needs some fluff and floof It is my space. I have a lot to do there but I am getting the main part of the house first. My cousin is halping me right now. she is between jobs and quite the organizer… and worker! sheesh she makes me tired just watching… 🙂 the craft spot is next week unless she gets a job by then. I would like to post photos we sill see. I still need to get photos on there any way. soon…. it is all soon.

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