Sweater Update

Ok, amid all the holiday madness it’s time for a sweater update. Here’s Kat’s update…

I finished all the knitting! I eneded up adding almost four inches to the length of the body and am much happier with it. The next step was picking up the button bands (though my sweater has no buttons). This band was just picking up 3 out of every four stitches and binding them off, not much of a band. It certainly does nothing to stop the curling.

Blocking should help some. I think I’m going to sew a zipper in, so that will really take care of the problem. If I decide against that another good cure for curling is to sew a decorative ribbon on the inside along the edge.

Now I am picking up my collar.

I’m a little worried about the pattern here. We cast on using provisional stitches, but the instructions for the collar were written like I didn’t have live stitches to work from. I think I may have to bind off those live stitches and then pick up the collar to make it look right. I had hoped to wear this sweater for Christmas, but it looks like it is going to be the New Year instead.

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