San Francisco Ferry Plaza Building

The Ferry Plaza Building is a landmark in San Francisco. It is, quite literally, where the ferries land. But the building itself has been turned into a marketplace for great food. And on the weekends, it is the site of the farmer’s market as well.
At Christmas time it is especially magical to visit.
The halls are wide, and the lights are up, and there are lovely food bits to sample everywhere.
The colors and displays are beautiful.

Look at this amazing garland spray
And these unusual tube vases.

And, of course, there is always Ice Cream.
Or Gelatto. In fact, it is hard to find a flavor for her sometimes. This was the mildest chocolate (and not chili chocolate)
Note here we are in front of a little outlet for Heath Ceramics. Their stuff is “simple”  and oh so beautiful.
Check out the ENORMOUS gnomes in the background. These were  beautiful pieces of felt. (And how brave am I to be SO close with that dripping cone? HA! )
We really had such a GREAT day.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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