Home for the Holidays: Part 1 My Grandma

I am home for the holidays. Literally. Sweet Sweet Sweet, tiny pinch of bitter-sweet. There are loved ones that will not be here this year. “Coming home” for the holidays has always been a great time to review all the Christmas Crafts of years gone by. But this year there is more than that to “review”
My Mom is preparing to move, and so there are boxes coming out that have not been unearthed from their hiding places in DECADES.
As I look around, I see signs of the crafting lineage that I am descended from. Is there such a thing as a crafting gene? If there is, I have it, in spades. It is almost more than I can measure up to.
My Fathers Mother (“Grandma”) was so gifted with all the needle sports. She knit some, but her real talent was in embroidery.
She did some pieces that were passed down in the family that are art.
She included beads and other accent pieces to give her work more texture and dimension.
Here is a sampler that hung in my childhood room.
I had not seen this piece in at least 25 years, and it struck a chord in me to see the workmanship, and to see something SO familiar from long ago.

It has been such a fantastic trip in time. And a lovely to connect to my “crafting roots” two generations back.
Next, we will profile my Mother’s Mother.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Christmas , Embroidery , Holiday , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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