Holiday Cottage House Sale

Last week, Jenny asked me if I wanted to go to the holiday sale at the Cottage House with her. I’d never heard of this Cottage House, but once I looked at their website I was in. The Cottage House is a home decor market that opens one weekend a month. People line up to get in the door and I can see why.
Cottage House Holiday Sale Cottage House Holiday Sale
Set in an older Minneapolis home the Cottage House is full of redone furniture, antiques, junk, handmade gift items and lots of ideas. Even the yard is full of things for the lawn and a tent with even more furniture in it.
Cottage House Holiday Sale Cottage House Holiday Sale
Cottage House Holiday Sale Cottage House Holiday Sale

(I would have grabbed that sleigh if it wasn’t already sold)

Inside it is a little cramped getting around to see everything, but it was so fun we really didn’t mind. Plus the prices made it easy to pick up something on a whim. This is not your high-end antique store.
Cottage House Holiday Sale Cottage House Holiday Sale
Cottage House Holiday Sale Cottage House Holiday Sale
Jenny bought this red sidetable for $48 and it is perfect as a tv stand in her living room.
Cottage House Holiday Sale Cottage House Holiday Sale
I bought a vintage oval frame which I turned into a lovely wreath for my dining room (read about making the wreath here).
Vintage Frame Wreath Cottage House Holiday Sale
Even if you don’t buy anything there were lots of decorating ideas to be found around the cottage to inspire you.

The Cottage House is at 4304 Chicago Ave. S. in Minneapolis. They are typically open one weekend a month with a different theme each time (during the holidays they have been open twice a month). The calendar on their website lists each month’s dates and theme. This weekend, 12/14-12/16, is their Year End Clearance. If you go, go early, Jenny and I went on Wednesday mid-morning the first day of the last sale and many items great were already marked as sold.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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