Gingerbread House Party

Here come the holidays. And I’m not gonna lie, there is an element of frenzy that is taking over.
And then, we were invited to an afternoon Gingerbread House party.

It was low key, and understated, and completely wonderful!!!!
The hostess, Melinda, had made each kid a house. Each on was on a cardboard base sheet. We all had an icing bags. Down the middle of the table was a huge buffet of little candies. There were peppermints, M&M’s and even these beautiful little chocolate mushrooms with cookie stems.
The party started with the kids.
And they had fun with it.
And houses got decorated.
And there was a little help
Carter's house
Here is Tiffany and Ava
Tiffany with Ava
And then, the parents stayed at the table.
Mama's side
The kids went and played with trucks, trains and princesses. And the Mama’s sat in their chairs and decorated.
And decorated, and decorated
It was so fun!
We learned smaller candies were better. More icing was better. And that is about it. I would not change a thing. The age range here was 3-4. Nearly to the day. And every single person at the party had fun. It was just a wonderful, simple, focused holiday party.
Melinda, you made that look effortless. Thank you for having us!

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Christmas , Crafting with Kids , Crafts , Holiday , Holiday Parties , Kids Parties , Parties | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Gingerbread House Party
    • DrRuss
    • What a great idea. The pre-planning must have been amazing to be able to pull this off. Hats off to all involved and the end products are delightful.

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