Road to a Sweater: Week 7

We should be working on the sleeves this week.

Reality check: this week the flu swept through our house. Except “through” would imply that it came and went. I think it just came, and hung on like a bad house guest.

I knit 3 rounds on my sweater. So, I do not have great photos to share. And I am sorry. But I am not giving up. So maybe THAT is the lesson in today’s post.
This week, we are working on finishing two sleeves.

Hi, this is Kat, interrupting Susi’s post to throw in a little update on my sweater too. I had a small wrist surgery this past week (yes, another one, but small is the optimal word), so missed three days of knitting. Luckily, a two day car trip has helped me catch up some.
Dawn - Week 7
I went too far on the stockinette part of my first sleeve (because I couldn’t try it on), so I need to rip back about two inches and add the cabled cuff. The second sleeve is about half down. Then technically, I’d only have to do the finishing. Thing is, I have another ball of yarn left and would like the body to be longer, so I’m going to undo the bind off, rip back the cabled edging and add a few more inches. So glad this is top down and that is easy to do!

How are your sweaters looking?


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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Knitting , Knitting Socials , Needlecraft , Socials | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
3 Comments to Road to a Sweater: Week 7
    • Lotta
    • I have about 20 rows left on the body before I can start on the sleeves.
      Hoping to get alot done on a 4 hour trainride from Copenhagen back to Gothenburg this sunday. Maybe I’ll start one of the sleeves early so I’ve got it all set up for easy knitting on the train.

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