Road to a Sweater: Week 7

This week, we were to finish off the bottom, and begin the sleeves.

Kathy has been tracking right on! (Go Kathy!)
Dawn - Week 6

The Pattern for Dawn shows a larger 3/4 sleeve. Kathy would prefer a conventional tapered long sleeve. So she will do more decreases, and knit until the length is right for her.
If you modify a sleeve in this way, be sure to take lots of notes. And leave them with the pattern. That way you will not have to be a super detective to figure out how to make the sleeves match. Really, write it down. You think you will remember. But just in case “life gets in the way” and you have to wait some time before you get back to it.

On my sweater the pattern says that I should start the color work at the bottom.

But after I tried the sweater on and looked at it, I thought it might be a little short.
I compared it to the two garments that I love and wear all the time.
This model sweater is a little slimmer fitting, but it is longer by about 4 inches.

Here is the sweater compared to my stand by fleece
Here again, there are about 4 inches more on the fleece.
If I started the colorwork now, the sweater will have a subtle crop to it. And I really would like to have a sweater I can wear all the time. (who knows if we are done with the low rise pants yet, or if we can expect that trend to continue. But the last thing I want is for this classic staple sweater to offer a “muffin top” view.)

How are your sweaters looking? Show us some pictures. We would love to see.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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