DIY Inspiration: Cut Felt Gift Bags

Now these are a cute way to bring a bottle or wine or other hostess gift.

Snowburst felt bags from Crate and Barrel.
A strong, thick felt might be a little tricky to cut, so I might not do something so elaborate. But a simple snowflake cut with a X-acto knife would be just as pretty. Other than that, it’s just some easy sewing.

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12 years ago by in Christmas , Holiday , Needlecraft , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to DIY Inspiration: Cut Felt Gift Bags
    • DrRuss
    • I would probably line it with a contrasting color so you can’t see what is inside. Could you image how beautiful these would be with a plain white felt lining? I might have to put on my thinking cap and make these out of paper.

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