Granny Square Sampler Afghan – Week 13

This week for Wise Craft’s Granny Square Sampler Afghan, we made the Whirlygig Granny Square.
GRanny Square Sampler Afghan - Week 13
I don’t know, this one is just a little too wonky for me. The square is actually supposed to have five raised rounds like the yellow on the blue square. I stopped after three because I felt like that was enough and more was just going to look messier. I saw on Flickr that someone did their square by making the raised rows into one long swirl, so I tried that on the red square. I think I like it a little better. The new techniques I learned this week were hooking into just the font or back of a stitch.

I’m tempted to say I’m going to leave these out of my final afghan, but when added to the whole group of them they don’t stick out too much.
GRanny Square Sampler Afghan - Week 13
What do you think, leave them in or replace them with something else?

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12 years ago by in Crochet , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
4 Comments to Granny Square Sampler Afghan – Week 13
    • Manisha
    • I couldn’t see them at first, so for me they blended right in. But then when I saw them I felt they didn’t fit the style. There are going to be more squares, right? Maybe it’s best to wait until the final moment.

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