Project Project Runway Challenge 1 – Fashion Cents

Here we are back for another season of Project Runway and Project Project Runway. I have to say I’m really looking forward to this season, they brought back some really talent people. (Ok, I question a few and wish a few others were there, but all and all they are a good lot.) Rumor has it the designs are going to be great. So, can we live up to the fabulousness in miniature?!

photo courtesy of Lifetime

Challenge – Fashion Cents
The unconventional challenge first thing, what fun! Create an outfit with items from a $.99 (or $1.00) store. This is about innovation. Though I must say, this set of judges wasn’t as harsh about using fabric-like materials. On the show they had to relate back to a current piece they had shown the judges, since we don’t all have lines to refer back to we will skip that component.

Time Limit – You have 12 hours to complete your looks.

Accessories – Feel free to chose accessories from the Nieman Marcus Accessory Wall to go with to go with your outfit.

Runway Day – Thursday, January 12th
Just a reminder only in-progress photos should be posted to the Flickr group before Runway Day. Save the big reveal for next Thursday. That said, we’d love to see what supplies you get before posting date and feel free to introduce us to your model for this season. Please tag your photos with PPR1 and ProjectProjectRunway.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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