It’s a Girl!

Susi and I want to take a little time to share with you some happy news from India. You may have noticed one of our very active Iron Crafters, Chinnu on Flicker, has been absent the last couple of months. That’s because she had been working on a much bigger project, one she announced in her Father’s Day project. Well, we are happy to say her project is finished and it is beautiful!

A little girl born Monday, December 5th. They are home now and both doing well. We wish them all the best and hope she grows up to be as crafty as her mom!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in iron crafters | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
11 Comments to It’s a Girl!
    • Chinnu
    • These wishes are so very special for us. Thanks Kathy, Susi and all of you for your loving wishes!!
      Yes! I did spend the last month doing some dresses and quilt for her. Once teh baby gives me some breather i did love to share the pictures with you all.
      Now that i know where to get more inspirations from…..i did hope to be back to play the next season of Project 52!
      Congrats to all those you made it till here….Iron Crafters Rock!

      Thanks once again!

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