Iron Craft Challenge #45 – Fall Contest

It’s time for the Fall Contest. Make your best project based on the theme of Fall and you might be crowned the Iron Crafter Fall 2011. The winner will get to proudly display this badge on their blog.
You’ll also win the zippered pillowcase tote I made for the bag challenge.
Iron Craft Challenge #39 - Pillowcase Tote
In the tote will be six balls of shimmery yarn in fall yellows and golds, a package to twenty printable cards with envelopes, craft paper in ten different designs and three fall leaf buttons.

Here are the rules…

  • Create something based on the theme “Fall”. Only on project may be submitted per person. Project must be created during the challenge week.
  • Post your project to Flickr starting Wednesday, Nov 9th. Projects must be posted by 8:00 PM EST on Thursday, Nov 10th to be included in the contest.
  • Voting will start on Friday, Nov 11th and run through Sunday, Nov 13th.
  • Contest is open to everyone in the Iron Crafting group no matter where they live (yes, we’ll pay shipping to Australia, the UK or India even.)

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Challenges , Giveaways and Contests , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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