Iron Craft 2012? Your Input Needed!

Dear You, our faithful crafters, followers and joiners alike,

Kat and I have had endless discussions about Iron Craft, it’s structure, it’s time-line, and the projects. All of us have had ‘brighter moments” and “lulls” in our craftiness, but on the whole we have had a WHALE of a lot of fun. It has really helped up to make 2011 a much more productive craft year. Now, we would like to hear from YOU. As the year is coming drawing to an end, we want to know what you think.

Are you joining for next year? Should the time line change? Either for time between challenges or length of time each challenge is given. Or should we leave it the way it is?

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
7 Comments to Iron Craft 2012? Your Input Needed!
      • Kat
      • Rachel – I look at Iron Craft as an inspiration to make something each week, but not an order. That way I feel great if I get it done, but don’t beat myself up if I don’t.

    • Jeni
    • I’m for keeping it going! I’ve loved coming to see what the challenge is each week… and I’ve asked for a new camera for Christmas, so maybe I can post my own results this next year as well!

    • Kim D
    • I haven’t done a challange in a while, but I still come and check in to see what others are doing and to get inspiration. I have enjoyed the year so much. Thank you Kat and Susi!!!

    • val
    • When I joined ironcraft, I had 1 rule for myself: if I could use it myself or as a gift,I did it. If not, I passed on that theme. Overall, I skipped very few challenges. Some challenges I did and never got around to uploading!
      So you two ladies,do what makes you happy! I’ll be around….and thank you. I’ve been hosting something going on 3 years now and really appreciate how much thought goes into what you do!

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