My name is Alicia and I live in Oakland, Ca. I come from a long line of female handicrafters. When I was 17 my mom bought me a knitting kit from which I taught myself how to knit. From that first chunky scarf I turned to books (namely Stitch ‘n Bitch), magazines, the Internet, and friends to teach myself how to knit, crochet, embroider, sew, and make all sorts of other accessories, home decor items, and jewelry.
I find myself inspired by many things: beautiful yarn, bright colors, vintage knitting and crochet patterns, blogs that I read, people that I see in the neighborhood, costumes, the work of my friends, neat buttons, Japanese knick knacks, the absurd and the silly…
I am eager to try new knitting techniques and make items more elaborate than hats, wristwarmers, and neckwear. I’d love to expand my embroidery skills and do more than sew straight lines. I’d also like to learn how to craft my own patterns, something that I’ve started to work on.
I have an Etsy store–BoutiqueAliciaMarie–but I’m not a very active seller. However, I post my projects on Ravelry and write about my crafting activities on my blog, Handcrafts and Cookery. There you can read all about my crafting endeavors, my weekly trips to the local farmers market, occasional cooking adventures, cultural activities, my obsession with all things old and Pyrex, and more.
If you are a member of Iron Craft & would like to be featured here, please email us for details
© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
Hiya! It's great to get to know you a bit. Learning to knit is definitely on my bucket list. That bunny is adorable, btw!
Gah! Now I have the Totoro song stuck in my head!