Now who would like me to design their Oscar dress?

I’m just sayin’…
Julianne Hough in Marchesa Resort 2011/Chloé in Kathy Lewinski 2010

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14 years ago by in Challenges , Project Project Runway | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
5 Comments to Now who would like me to design their Oscar dress?
    • Sea
    • perhaps you should "copyright" your designs?
      It ain't never going to happen…but if I ever need an awrds dress…you are second choice after my very special aunty Ann! That is not an insult! I was Aunty Ann's model WAY back when she was in uni/college

    • Anonymous
    • What I like is that your dress is actually better. The proportions (neck ornamentation to dress) are better than on the "designer" version. The shoulder cut is more flattering, too. You rock!

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