Daria’s Hoodie Scarf & Spider Lady Sweater

Resolution for 2009 – Try to start this blog up again….
Daria asked me to make her this Hoodie Scarf from D-Made for her birthday.
Damn Paparazzi
I found the pattern a little confusing when I was reading through it but once I started knitting it became very clear. As long as you know how to cable its a pretty easy knit. Daria wanted skulls on it but I didn’t like how they looked so I just added one little one to the back of the hood.
Back of hoodie scarf
Daria tends to be the recipient of a lot of my knit items as she really appreciates the time & effort that goes into them, plus she wears them all the time. I made her a sitcom chic sweater a few years ago & that poor thing looks so well loved now, it was time to make her a new sweater. I went with the February Lady Sweater because she liked the one I made for myself so much.
Spider Lady Sweater
I call it the Spider Lady Sweater because the lace looks a little like webs & because Daria picked out some cool spider buttons from Retro Fabric Depot for it.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
16 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Daria’s Hoodie Scarf & Spider Lady Sweater
    • toontz
    • Welcome Back- I have been checking! Look forward to seeing your projects, even though it makes me feel quilty about my lack of knitting motivation!

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