Topsy Turvy

Things are a little topsy turvy in my world right now so I’ve perhaps been ignoring this blog a bit. My cooking & photo blogs seem to be easier to do these days. I am plodding along on a pair of basic cabled socks.
pretty in pink
I think a tighter gauge might have been a better choice but at that point 3s were my smallest needles. I figure I am going to want smaller ones for Matt’s socks so I now own 00 – 2. I was able to find a set of double points for sock knitters that had them all which was convenient.

I discovered I’m listed as a designer on Ravelry which is pretty cool. I’ve gotten them to link the designer page with my profile. I’ve basically been spending my time on there so far just getting my info added.

That’s about it for today. Hopefully a finished pair of socks this week.
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17 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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