New House – Week 13 & other stuff

Matt & I have both been sick at since Christmas so not much is happening around the house. We bought a shelving unit from Ikea to store my yarn but I need to paint it white before moving it upstairs. I’ve been spending a good deal of my time in the kitchen.
Clean & shiny
Maybe because its winter & we are craving carbs I’m on a bread making kick.
#3 - If only you could smell this picture
Its so nice to always have homemade bread around.

Surprisingly (to me) I am really enjoying knitting socks. I made my first pair over Christmas from this pattern.
My first pair of socks
The pattern was pretty good but I had to look in my Ann Budd Book of Handy Patterns a few times for help. I’ve started my second pair this time using Cascade Fixation.
Working on a second pair
and just went with Ann Budd’s pattern. I really like how she does the stitch on the heel. I think next I’ll do the Techguy socks from Magknits for Matt with the Apple logo one them.

Other than that we are just waiting for some fresh snow to cover the icky gray stuff this recent melt has left us.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
17 years ago by in Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
6 Comments to New House – Week 13 & other stuff
    • Tina
    • your kitchen looks very nice! Seems like many lovely meals will come from there. Looks somehow familiar to me as we also just moved and got a new kitchen, from the big swedish furniture store, ours is white, called Lidingö, I LOVE it!

    • Diana
    • Your bread looks so great. What recipe do you use? I do a quicky french loaf sometimes too but yours looks nice and crusty.
      I also bought myself a bread machine for Christmas!
      So, are you hooked on socks?

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