
I got the best package in the mail yesterday…
Blanket from Chicks with SticksMy knitting group back in San Francisco, Chicks with Sticks, sent me this lovely blanket they made to say goodbye. I started going to a group here last night but nothing will ever replace the friendships I build over 4 years with the Chicks.

I had to steal this photo from the Noe Knit blog.
Maisy on Halloween Here’s my favorite little girl on Halloween wearing the tutu I made her for her first birthday. She is such the princess! I’m digging her choice of handbags here too.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
17 years ago by in Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
5 Comments to Gifts
    • shopgirl
    • Miss M with the bag on the crook of her arm is SO funny. We are compairing her to the ‘stars’ with the dogs in bags under thier arms. Her mother is shuddering at the thought! : )

    • roseygirl
    • Just stopping by to say hello I have been so slack lately with my own blog and also stopping by the blogs linked from mine, so I am trying to fix that 🙂

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