TNNA wrap up #3

Saturday at TNNA started with a breakfast put on by Tahki Stacy Charles where Vogue & Interweave talked about trends for the next year & Kat Jacobs talked a bit about her new book “The Friday Night Knitting Club”
Friday Night Knitting Club
We received a couple copies of the book each over the weekend & got one signed as well. I’m giving one to Susi to use as a prize at the store.

But really we were all waiting for the marketplace to open, a huge convention center floor full or yarn & books & accessories. It was a bit overwhelming & Susi & I did our best to go down each row one by one so as not to miss anything. One the first row we ran into the wonder women of Craft Magazine. Susi thought I was a little crazy when I wanted my picture with Crafty
Me & Crafty
but if you read the Craft Blog at all (which I do) you’ll see Crafty travels all over the world & gets his photo taken with fabulous crafters so of course I needed my picture with him!

A little later on we had the extreme pleasure to meet Debbie Bliss.
Me & Debbie Bliss
What a lovely lady. We had a great chat with her discussing the industry & just life in general. Just check out those beautiful designs behind her. We also ordered some great new yarn for the store which I can’t wait to start using when it come in March.

We spent 8 hours in the marketplace before it closed & had to head off to the Potter Craft/Random House party. We had such fun there & I got to meet Erika Knight! Ok, I am such a fan of Erika’s I can’t even tell you…I’m sure I gushed but she was so sweet & humble. Plus she got us copies of her latest books.
Erika Knight Books
Susi has my groupie picture so that will have to wait for another time.

Then Susi & I had an amazing dinner with both Sally Melville (who wrote Knit Stitch, Purl Stitch, etc)
The Knit Stitch
and Sara Lucas (who recently put out The Winter Knit Kit & runs The Yarn of the Month Club)
Winter Knits Kit
Sara is a former San Franciscan & we had a great time catching up with her. Sally is just an inspiration. Susi had taken a design class from her on Friday & couldn’t say enough about it.

Sunday was our last day & it was all marketplace once again. We bought buttons & handles for the store which was so much fun. I’m very excited about the new leather handles that are coming as I’ve been looking for some for tote bags myself. I wish I could show them to you but photos were technically not allowed in the marketplace.
I also got to meet Jenny Hart on Saturday which was so much fun because she has really inspired me to start the stitching projects I’ve recently taken on. It was also great to get a copy of her Sublime Stitching.
Sublime Stitching

It was such a great experience (though exhausting) & I can’t thank Susi enough for taking me. You really leave an event like this inspired to go home & start creating more yourself!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
6 Comments to TNNA wrap up #3
    • the Lady
    • Hello! I was wondering if you have any pattern sources for all of those cute animals you knit – the ones with pictures on flikr.

    • kat
    • Hmm you’d have to tell me which animals since they all came from different places. If you comment on them on Flickr I can let you know.

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