some new little projects

I continue to work on Matt’s blanket but have also done a few other new projects along the way.

Last night I made these felted beads after seeing some cool ones at TNNA.
#19 - felted beads
They are strung on elastic to make a bracelet

I also knit up this little snowflake heart just to see how the idea in my head would work. It’s stuffed & I’ll use it as a Christmas ornament.
snowflake heart

For now I’m glad its Friday & Matt’s cooking dinner so I can relax on the couch!

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18 years ago by in Crafts , Knitting | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
10 Comments to some new little projects
    • kat
    • they are just needle fleted at this point. i was thinking that they could be put through one wash load & they would be really nice & hard.

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