January Store windows

I did new windows for the store the weekend of New Years but forgot to take my camera so I finally took pictures last night after work…
Noe Knit New Years window
This is the black, white & silver New Years Window. I used black purse handles on the wall. I really like the way this one looks in person.
Noe Knit New Years window
Noe Knit New Years window
I call the other window Baby Its Cold Outside.
Baby It's Cold Outside window
Its all hats, mittens, gloves & scarves. Though I noticed after I took the picture the purple hat had fallen.
Baby Its Cold Outside window
Not exaclty sure how that Gedifra pattern keeps you warm though….lets see warm head cold stomach…

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
8 Comments to January Store windows
    • Beth
    • Hands down you have the best windows ever! I so wish I lived in your city and could see them in person. Thank you so much for sharing via your blog.

      Where do you get your inspiration?

    • Erica
    • One of these days, I *AM* going to get up there, see the store, and meet you in person! ;->

      Re: the Gedifra — Maybe the idea is that if you wear it and look like that, you won’t need *clothes* to keep you warm b/c you’ll have a handsome Nordic guy to keep you warm????

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