travel knitting

here’s my holiday traveling in knitting…
Finished Odessa Hat in San Francisco airport waiting for flight to Houston on Saturday, Dec. 23.
Finished Odessa hat from Rowan Cotton Wool (a sample for the store) finished at my parents house in Memphis on Tuesday, Dec 26. Would have been done quicker but I kept getting distracted & having to rip back the decreases…so frustrating.
Doll dress
Blue doll dress finished except for seaming. Knit at my parents & on flight from Memphis to Houston. Finished on plane waiting to leave Houston.
doll dress front
Front of yellow doll dress. Finished on flight from Houston to San Francisco.
I actually thought I’d get more things done but this was pretty good. The doll dresses are for a set of twin dolls I’ve been asked to make. They don’t need to be done for four more months but they make perfect plane knitting since they are small.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
6 Comments to travel knitting
    • Tiffany
    • They are all great! Everytime I see Odessa worked up by another person I fall in love with it all over again! I need to get mine knitted. Maybe I’ll join the Not a Gift KAL and knit mine up! 🙂

    • Anonymous
    • Hmm, those knit clothes for the dolls look very, very cute! You ought to think of making some (I’m thinking w. one of your handmade dolls) for sale – very sellable I’m sure. Terry

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