santa’s workshop

it was a cold rainy day in san francisco. a perfect day to turn our apartment into an annex of santa’s work shop.

First matt & i worked on stenciling t-shirts using freezer paper for all our nephews.
stenciling t-shirts with freezer paper
We found pattern swe liked online at stencilry and spray paint stencils. matt sized them & printed them right on to the back of the freezer paper then i cut them out with an exacto knife. then just iron them on the t-shirt & dab the paint on.
stenciling t-shirts with freezer paper
we are really happy with the results though would stick to darker color paint on dark thick fabrics like this next time.
finished stenciled t-shirts

stenciled t-shirt close up

stenciled t-shirt close up
i was also asked to make another doll as a gift for a three year old. this time the doll needed to be blond with blue eyes.
blond doll
i learned a lot between making this doll & my first. i sewed her together using the tissue paper trick that was left in my comments by terry & it made sewing this stretchy cotton jersey much easier. I also sewed the hair on this time with matching embroidery thread instead of sewing with the yarn. it was soooo much easier & i feel like the hair is really secure. i’ve half her first sweater so i’m finding these work up surprisingly quickly.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Crafts | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
11 Comments to santa’s workshop
    • Anonymous
    • They look SO great.
      I still don’t mean to be dense, but I don’t fully understand the freezer paper. The wax? Does it affect the shirt? And keep the paint from laying down?
      Alas, you are the craft prize winner!

    • Anonymous
    • the t-shirts look great i love the color choices and now i want some for myself. hm project for the spring?

      freezer paper i think is also called butcher paper. it is matte on one side and shiny/plastic-y on the other side. you may be able to find it in Target in the cooking aisles.

    • Karin
    • Thank you so much for posting this! I bought fabric paint instead of dye and discovered the error well after the return date. Now I know what to do with it!

    • kat
    • i did have to be a little more careful cutting out & ironing the space ship that’s fore sure. The one in brwon came out perfect but the oragne one whhere we did a second coat of paint had a little bleeding so i think the detailed stencils need just one good cot of a dark paint.

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