The good, the bad & the ugly

Finished robot sweater
Originally uploaded by katbaro.

The good
The robot sweater is done, yea! last night I did all the weaving & the collar. It needs a little blocking but basically it is ready to be wrapped & sent in the mail. I see a few things I’d change but all & all for soemthing I made up myself I’m pretty happy. The one thing I worry about is all the ends I had to weave in for the intarsia staying in espcially since this is machine washable wool.

The bad
Another rant about the USPS. Matt votes absentee. Guess what showed up in our mail yesterday? His absentee ballot that he sent in last week. Yes, the post office delivered it back to him instead of where it was supposed to go. Yes, his address is on the back but its pretty clear what is the front & where is should go. Plus you would think the Post Office is pretty familiar with Absentee Ballots this time of year. Makes you wonder how many other end up not arriving.

The ugly
Skinny pants coming back. I lived through the 80’s. I wore my pants super skinny, to the point of safety pinning them tight from the knee down (yeah i was so hip). Of course I was 96 pounds at the time! Let’s face it skinny pants only look good on skinny woman. If you have hips they make you look like this top heavy freak with little twig legs. I say long live boot cuts & their ability to minimize hips on us real women.

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18 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
6 Comments to The good, the bad & the ugly
    • Anonymous
    • Whoah whoah whoah! I totally agree about the skinny pants and 80’s craze (it’s awful and needs to just die already!), but I can’t help but feel terrible when I read your comment about ‘real women’ (i.e women with curves). Why is it that women need to put down other women to make themselves feel better? I thought it was a vagina that made a person a woman, not the size of her curves. Some gals just can’t put on the weight (me!), that shouldn’t make them any less womanly, just like women who tend to be on the curvier side aren’t any less womanly.

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