holiday panic

yesterday i got a little manic & worried about getting everythign done for the holidays. i think with thanksgiving over the amount of time really hit me. plus i feel like a lot need to be done this week with our tree trimming on saturday, a pile of presents to get wrapped & shipped for birthdays & christmas, a window to change out at the store and big changes at work too.

I got all the sweets done for the party (after nixing the chocolate covered shortbread) & made a tiny dent in the gift wrapping. then it was a made rash of knitting to finish these for the window.
four calling birds
these are my four calling birds.
brown bird
and though i’m sure it looks nothing like one, this is my partridge. we have felted pears from the pattern in the Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts Issue.

I am proud that despite being so busy i have kept up with NaBloPoMo. Only 4 days left to go so it looks like I will make it.

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