doll making

yesterday i got out the sewing machine & dove into my new doll project. i forgot how fun sewing can be (though my back hurts a little today from leaning over the machine).
doll making
first i drew a pattern. looks like a gingerbread man doesn’t it?
doll making
then cut it out.
doll making
i then cut the pattern out of ivory cotton jersey & sewed it together (oh i forgot how hard sewing stretchy fabric can be) leaving an opening at the top of the head. stuffed it with polyfill & whipstitched the head shut. next time i would make the foot area a little wider & may be the arms too.
doll making
nashua julia is sewn on for the hair & styled using a little embroidery thread. getting all that yarn on was tedious work since it wasn’t easy to get it through the fabric, there must be an easier way. the face is also embroidered on.
doll making
since i had the machine out i sewed her a skirt & some jeans.
doll making
i love the frayed edges at the bottom of the jeans. i’m also about 1/4 done with a pink sweater for her. i’ll use black fabric paint to give her some mary janes. this was such a fun project i worked on it all day & have ideas for lots of other clothes.

off christmas shopping today downtown. it looks a little gray but hopefully the rain will hold off.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Crafts , Needlecraft , Sewing , Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
4 Comments to doll making
    • Anonymous
    • Next time you may like to try this: cut a wrapping tissue pattern (leave margins around actual size)of the body, pin fabric to it, cut pattern leaving pins in, sew the jersey fabric AND tissue together then rip tissue away when sewn. Tissue provides support and ease to sew. Cute, cute doll 🙂 Terry

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