another project off the list

Matt is kicking back watching the Michigan/Ohio State game (wearing his blue & maize of course) so I am working on getting more projects off my list. Last night I finished knitting horns for my MN vikings hats & then sewed them on this afternoon. For the small hat I just did a 6 stitch icord & then knit two together on on side only to get the curve.
MN vikings hat
For the bigger size hat I knit 9 stitches on double pointed needles getting the curve in the same way. I stuffed them lightly to help them stand up.
MN vikings hat
I’ve drawn out the pattern for the stuffed doll I’ve been talking about making & now I am off to cut her out. Pictures tomorrow.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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