Yarn Porn

So I was very good this weekend & did not touch my Clapotis as promised & only worked on the baby dress. All I have left to do is the finishing.

mabel dress in progress

The pattern is from my favorite baby book of course, Simple Knits for Cherished Babies. I may actually get it done tonight which is good because here’s the baby!

CWS 6/26

She already came to visit us at knitting & Mazie is just about the most beautiful baby ever!

Janet also brought my order from Knit Picks last night. It’s the Crayon yarn, 100% cotton & machine washable. I think the colors are fabulous for my new nephew due in September.

Knit Picks CrayonInca Organic Cotton

and here’s the Inca Organic Cotton Matt picked out for his wedding present blanket.

Other than that wedding plans seems to be consuming most of our time. We went & did our registry this weekend which was a lot of fun. Nothing like running around Williams & Sonoma and Crate & Barrel scanning all the stuff you’d like. The wedding dress search continues as well after the dress I thought would be perfect wasn’t. I have 3 more dresses being shipped to me & Nordstrom’s has another coming from Atlanta so hopefully one will be just right….

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
19 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
3 Comments to Yarn Porn
    • Vanessa/NessieNoodle
    • Great yarn picks! those are some of my favorite colors right now.
      Isn’t registering fun? gotta love it.

      Are you guys having the wedding in the Bay? If you can’t find a dress, and are looking for something unique, I got mine from Jordan’s in down town Truckee- I love it! and wish I could wear it to something again 🙂

    • KnitNana
    • What a pretty combination of colors! Just too lovely…a great baby boy combination…
      Good luck choosing the perfect gown..I know you will.

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