Down for the count…

Thanks to a monster cold I’ve been out of the picture for almost 5 days now. I was so sick on Friday I barely knit…now that’s sick! I’m still struggling along but have managed to finish the whole sushi feast for the store window.I’m particularly proud of the shrimp as I created the pattern myself & for once wrote the pattern down as I was doing it.

I also finished both baby kimonos. I had planned to do a frog closure but couldn’t get it to look like I wanted. The i cord just seemed too think on this little sweater even when I split the thread & used tiny needles. Finally I decided on just doing simple tie closures on the inside & out. I finished one slipper to go with the red kimono last night & the other I’ll finish tonight as I continue recuperating in front of the tv…please let Gilmore Girls be a new episode tonight!
All & all a pretty low key couple of days for me. Luckily, Matt cooked me lots of good food & fed me chocolate & liquids (that’s the cure right?) Oh, he also booked a weekend in Yosemite for us for September which I’m really excited about. Neither he nor I have had a chance to go there since we moved to the West Coast.

19 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
5 Comments to Down for the count…
    • PippaW
    • WOW! The sushi you have made are so real, and so perfectly made! I’ll check your store next time I come to San Francisco.
      Very very nice jackets by the way!!!!

    • soapy
    • Your just cranking them out now… Nice!! I don’t like sushi but your making me hungry!! YUMMY!

    • Vanessa/NessieNoodle
    • Kat~
      I hope you are feeling better- that is a nasty cold going round.

      Your sushi turned out GREAT! those are so fun and I totally love the shrimp- way to go. I like the way the kimonos tie-
      Take care of yourself~

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