Piles of Leaves

Leaf Count – 37
Presents left to wrap – 2
I’m feeling very organized this year & all (ok less one or two including the unfinished scarf) my presents were shipped this weekend home to Minnesota. It was a little insane looking when Matt & I had everything lined up to go. Having three nephews to buy for this year certainly added to my stack!

Everyone was so great with their comments on the colors to use with my leaf scarf but I still was back & forth on the light green. So many people who saw it in person said not to use it. Sunday I took it all over to Noe Knit & laid out a bunch of different combinations & ended up going with another light brown. Susi at the store felt the light green had a little blue in it which might have been what was bothering me. I’m really happy with the new fourth color managed to get 8 more done last night. I blocked them overnight & will start sewing it all together tonight. I may make an icord as a sort of stem to sew them all to. So, here’s my pile of leaves, wish the picture showed them a little better.

So I also got a new pattern book this weekend called Luxury Knits. Susi had given me Last Minute Gifts at the CWS potluck but I already had it so after much looking I exchanged it for this. I now want to start the cashmere socks, the bolero top & the wrap sweater…so bad!

19 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft , Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Piles of Leaves
    • Sedie
    • I’m looking forward to seeing your completed scarf! I’m sure the colors are going to be wonderful. . . looking at the load of gifts you had to send, you are on the ball!!!

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