not so sure…

about these socks. So, last night I decided I wanted to try making the socks I mentioned in my last post. I went to the store got the Cashmerino Aran in Brick Red (yummy!) & started knitting away. Its kind of a weird pattern since the socks are made flat & then you sew up a seam but I though that might be easier for me first pair. Not that I’m not used to knitting on double pointed needles just that I was feeling lazy. Still I messed up somewhere in my heel shaping & I’m on the wrong side when I should be on the right, sigh. I guess I’ll be ripping back this evening. I like the basic idea behind these socks (sort of bulkier to be worn like slippers) but I’m thinking that changing the pattern to do them in the round might be in order. I’ll finish this one first & then decide. Why didn’t I listen to Ruth who told me to do the robot? (by the way her personalized labels are sooo cute!)

I did get yarn to add in to the Lipstick yarn I mentioned yesterday…once again Cashmerino (I’m a sucker for it).Now I need to figure out what to do with it. I only have about 160 yards so I’m not sure that’s enough for the wrap I envisioned. One of the girls at Noe Knit suggested knitting it with black which I wasn’t so sure of at the time but now I’m thinking that might be interesting if I just do accents with the Lipstick. Another thing to mess with I guess.

19 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft , Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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