Challenge #5 – Be Mine

Ok, I can here some of you groaning from here, “A Valentine’s Day challenge, ugh. I don’t celebrate that made up Hallmark holiday.” I look at Valentine’s Day this way, it’s just a reminder to tell the people in our lives that we love how important they are & that we don’t take them for granted. I try to do that every year for my husband Matt with a handmade Valentine. So, this week’s challenge is to make a Valentine for someone special in your life.
Here’s a few I’ve made over the last couple of year…
#45 - hugs#286 - Embroidered Hearts for Matt
Of course, your valentine doesn’t have to be a card, here was last year’s robot plushie Valentine.
#45 - Be Mine?
A Valentine can even be a sweet treat or whatever else you think will tickle that special someone’s fancy.
Chocolate Valentino
Don’t have anyone special to make a valentine for? Why not consider making one or two to send to Etsy for Share Your Love 2011. They are looking for valentines to be delivered to 18,000 elderly New Yorkers who get Citymeals on Wheels. There are a few guidelines so make sure to read the Etsy post for details.

Post pictures of your completed project to the Flickr group on Wednesday, February 2nd. Only in progress pictures may be posted before that date.

Please tag pictures with IC5 & if you have a blog post about your project leave the URL in the photos description. We’ll do a wrap up of the completed projects on the blog in the days following.

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Β© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
14 Comments to Challenge #5 – Be Mine
    • Scout
    • January got so crazy, I couldn't join in the fun (and frankly, down here in the Houston burbs, things like draft stoppers are not the most inspiring, lol) – BUT, I am getting some ideas to try over the weekend. Can't wait! πŸ˜€

    • Seanna Lea
    • I was wondering when we were going to get to Valentine's, and I'm so grateful that it is this week and not the week I'm working at the chocolate shop.

    • katkawston
    • I love all the challenges, this is a wonderful group. I was nervous about joining because I had never done anything on line before but this has been just a fabulous experience.

    • amy dame
    • i love valentine's day so much, i've been making handmade valentines for my friends and family for years now. i'm still deciding what this year's cards will be, but now i have extra motivation to get started early!!

    • Janet
    • Our family always celebrated V.Day as a family holiday with a heart cake. Good way to approach it because as a single adult gal it doesn't get me bent out of shape when it rolls around like other singletons!

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