talking turkey

Last night I did the latest Noe Knit window.
Noe Knit Window Nov '06
This one is all about making Thanksgiving dinner. I was a little worried that it wasn’t going to be very good but I had some fun with it & think it’ll have a few people stopping.
Noe Knit Window Nov '06
I wish I could say I did all the knitting myself but I only did the pumpkins. Since I was so busy this past month Matthew from my knitting group took over & did all the vegetables & the amazing turkey. The vegetable patterns came from Magknits though he tweeked some to make different ones.
Noe Knit Window Nov '06
Now I need to start formulating plans for a Hanukkah window & a 12 Days of Christmas window. Ideas welcome!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Holiday , Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
9 Comments to talking turkey
    • Alexa
    • For Hannukah, maybe dreidls and gelt (obviously) and felted blue, white, and yellow stars? I’d say I’d lend Noe Knit my menorah, but it’s my mom’s and I don’t think that would go over so well. OH! And potato latkes. I definitely think we should have some knitted potato latkes. If we have those, I will drool everyday when I come in for work over winter break.

    • Kendra
    • Any possible way to share that turkey pattern? I just love it! I am going to a Thanksgiving dinner I would just love to bring that to – please let me know if you can share the source of that pattern. Thanks!

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