Iron Craft ’13 Challenge #1 – Cotton

Welcome to Iron Craft 2013! This is the second anniversary of the start of Iron Craft and since the traditional gift for a second anniversary is cotton, we thought we’d make that our first challenge. Over the next two weeks, your challenge is to make something using cotton…any type of cotton, cotton yarn, cotton balls, cotton fabric, cotton rope…
(You can use items other than cotton in your project, but cotton should be the main material.)

Here are some ideas to get you thinking…

Redo or embellish a cotton t-shirt like Susi did by adding ruched stripes.
Knit Heart Washcloths
Knit up some soft washcloths using cotton chenille yarn.

Or grab some cotton swabs and make some funky flowers.

Reveal day is Tuesday, January 15th. Please only share in-progress photos before that date. Tag your photos with IC131 and IronCraft

Since this is the first challenge of a new year and we have lots of new iron crafters, let’s go over the rules, shall we…
1. Your project must fit the theme and be crafted during the two week challenge period (no pulling out old projects!).
2. Only in-progress photos may be posted to the Flickr group before the reveal date.
3. Finished projects can be posted to the Flickr group on reveal day.
4. If you blogged about your project add a link to the post in the photo description. (Please make sure the link is to the specific post and not just your blog homepage.)
5. This is a friendly, encouraging group. We urge you to be active on the Flickr group and comment on each other’s photos (or blogs), that is a big part of the fun.
6. When you put a project in the Flickr group, you are giving us permission to put it on JustCraftyEnough. We will do  round ups of each challenge’s projects.

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.
© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
13 Comments to Iron Craft ’13 Challenge #1 – Cotton
    • Manisha
    • I’m going to do a craft that I have done many times before. This is timely with my new year’s resolution so I’m going to get to work on this right away. This is so fun and I’m so glad you and Susi are continuing with Iron Craft!

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