Under the Sea Mittens KAL: Clue 4

I cannot believe it is our last week already! This week all we have left is the thumbs.
Download clue 4:
Under The Sea Mittens Small Clue 4
Under The Sea Mittens Medium Clue 4
Under The Sea Mittens Large Clue 4

If you chose to do an after-thought thumb, I have included a pdf that is a blank chart for all three sizes. I have not charted a pattern for this type of thumb, so have fun with it. To knit it, you’ll put the 15 stitches above and the 15 stitches below your waste yarn on needles. Pick up and knit a stitch from hand of the mitten between the top and bottom stitches on each side for a total of 32 stitches.

After-thought thumb chart
After-Thought Thumb Blank

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© 2005 – 2017 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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