12 Days of Christmas Mitten Garland: Mitten 11

Only two more mittens left to go folks! This one and #12 in two weeks. If you are following our schedule, you should be done before Thanksgiving.
12 Days of Christmas Mitten Garland
And here is your Eleven Pipers Piping. Download the 12 Days Mittens Chart 11.

There is a lot to play with for those of you adding color, sparkle, or beads: a hat with a feather, a pipe and six buttons on his coat. You could even give him a different color coat, shorts, tights and boots. As usual, there are three charts for you to chose from.

And my set so far…
12 Days of Christmas Mitten Garland
I have to say I like my set, but if I was to do it again, I would put the vines around 8 – 12 just to have them a little more full like the others.

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© 2005 – 2016 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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